In Mintel 2023 Global Consumer Trends, we explored 5 trends that shapes and impact consumer behavior, one of which is Intentional Spending: factors like flexibility, durability and sustainability will play increasingly important roles in consumers’ value equation.

But what is the true meaning of value for consumers now in China in a post-pandemic era? Price, function, flexibility or durability alone is not the only value that Chinese consumers are after now. They want a combination, they go far beyond the above factors: sustainability, environment-friendliness, individualization, even delivery. This holistic view goes well beyond the product to encompass the brand, and the company behind the brand, and what 'value' the company puts in (or takes out) from society.

Join Mintel Vice President of APAC Trends and Lifestyle Matthew Crabbe to find out more about the new values for Chinese consumers and what that means for brands and companies who want to grow in China market.


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Matthew Crabbe
Vice President  of Trends & Lifestyles, Asia-Pacific, Mintel

Having covered most consumer product and service markets in China at some point or other in the past 30 years, Matthew now focuses his time on divining the future of Asia-Pacific’s consumer trends. He takes a particular interest in the human story behind the rapid growth in  Asia’s economy, and how such breakneck change is having an effect on its  people, their lifestyles, society and communities. Having travelled to and lived in Asia regularly since the late 1980s, he has witnessed this change first hand, and has  documented these changes within his research work.

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